Why We Experience Failure In Life

Pradhyumna Danduri
4 min readMay 5, 2021



Failure is one thing that everyone avoids and hates, but failure is part of a success equation. That you fail on an occasion or as an event does not mean that you have failed totally or as a person. There are many factors that may result to failure as an event which may or may not be beyond your control. So no matter how you try to avoid failure in the road to success it must surely come because that is what makes you to understand where you missed it and where you need to get it right for the success you seek for to come. Failure is inevitable to anyone that will ever succeed in life but it can be managed in order to birth success. Where the major issue lies is when you fail as a person(you were unable to achieve anything in life as a person). So from this I will say that failure occur in two forms
1. Occasional failure or failure as an event: this is a form of failure that occurs occasionally because of lack of one thing or the other
2. Total failures or failure as a person: this is form of failure that happens after you didn’t do what you are meant to do to succeed in your lifetime even when you have failed occasionally.

What Can Lead To Failure as an Event(occasional failures)?

There are many factors that can lead to failure as an event. Some of this factors can be beyond your control while some can be as a result of your mistakes. Those factors I have figured out over time are listed below1. Lack of knowledge or experience: this is the major factor that can lead to occasional failure. Because your are not aware of certain things that you need to do it resulted to failure. The reason why people fail occasionally is because there is something they did not know about what they are about to do maybe in business, academics etc. That is why when someone fail the first thing they have to check is where did I get it wrong, where he or she got it wrong is as a result what he or she does not know. So lack of knowledge or experience is the major reason we experience failure occasionally.

2. Improper planning: another reason failure happens to us occasionally is as a result of lack of proper planning. Planning helps the knowledge you have to be channel in the right direction. There is a saying which says as I quote “if you fail to plan you are planning to fail”. Anyone that is haphazard when it comes to executing a task will always fail. Haphazard attitude makes your work ineffective which will result to automatic failure.

3.Environmental factors: another thing that can lead to occasional failure is environmental factors that is beyond your control. Some of the environmental factors to some social amenities that can help in the success of a task you want to e or as a business man that want to a task that will make the business profitable but because of the environment where the business is located it will have a serious affect on your task which will lead to failure

Can Failure be Avoided?

Based on the form of failure I mentioned in this article occasional failure can never be avoided but total failure can be avoided if you learn how to take responsibility for every occasional failure or mistakes that comes your direction and at the same time learn to be consistent in what you want to achieve no matter how you have failed occasionally. Is only occasional faliure that makes your success pleasant because is like a teacher that teaches you what to do and what not to do


Every occasional failure is not the end but a road that leads to success. When you embrace every occasional failure in your life it leads you to success but when you throw away your occasional failures in life it leads to total failure in life. Anyone that has ever succeeded in life will ever have a time he or she failed occasionally but his or her success was a reality because he or she embraced the occasional failure and learned from it which birthed success.



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